Add this stunning perennial shrub to your collection for mid-summer to late fall bloom. This variety of hardy Hibiscus moscheutos is ‘Blackberry Merlot’. The dark red flowers can be as large as 8″ wide. The plant will die down completely in the winter but makes a quick recovery in late spring. For the largest flowers, it is recommended feeding the plants every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season. Other varieties of hardy Hibiscus are called “Rose of Sharon”. These plants are deciduous but maintain their structure. The flowers are not as large and many can grow to 6 or 8 feet.
A rather exotic perennial is this ‘Angel Wings’ Senecio. Use it as an accent in a container or find a place for it in the garden. There’s no shortage of blooming plants at Bay Laurel! he Buddlejas (Butterfly Bush) have amazingly vivid colors. Check out the many types of Salvia. ‘Chapel Hill’ Lantana with its soft yellow flowers will bloom for many months. Lavenders, Yarrows, Gazanias etc. etc. etc.
Some of our most popular ground covers will be arriving soon. We expect Elfin, Woolly and Red Thyme. These are excellent choices for relatively small areas, including between stepping stones. Herniaria repens is also a great low growing plant that can take some abuse. For shady spots we have Vinca major and Vinca minor in both green and variegated forms. Erigeron (Santa Barbara daisy) was not available in full flats but it’s arriving in 6 packs.
Angelonia is one of the showiest annuals – sure to brighten up some spots downed by intense heat. They are available in dark purple, lavender and raspberry, also white and pink which are out of stock right now. Plants are in 4″ pots and 1 gallon sizes. They’re effective in containers as well as in garden beds. They’re often referred to as “summer snapdragons”. Height is about 18″. Deadhead to keep the blooms coming.
The shade house has some pretty cool offerings as well. A fancy Geranium, ‘Mrs. Pollock’, has interesting leaf markings and bright orange flowers. A spectacular annual is Strobilanthes (“Persian Shield”). Scented Geraniums have a following – the current variety here is Citriodorum.
A few tips to help reduce your water usage. Mulch! You can put down at least 4″ of mulch to help maintain soil moisture. We have 3 choices here – medium and micro bark and shredded cedar. If you have a lot of ground to cover you can order truck loads from a local seller or tree trimmer. The product “Soil Moist” is great for containers. We have a new product, EZ Wet. When the ground is extremely dry it can resist water. This product will enhance soil penetration.
An example of the colorful containers we recently received from Spain and Mexico. New tiles are in stock as well.
The latest in soil improvement, Jeff has begun producing “Black Diamond Veri-Compost Tea” with a state of the art machine. The tea works to add beneficial microbes and fungal matter to the soil very quickly. The product will be available this month the week of August 6th and August 20th. The tea must be ordered and paid for in advance. Cost is $10 per gallon. It is necessary to apply the tea within just a few days of purchase.
Conifer lovers take note – Oriental spruce for sale! These evergreen trees make excellent specimen trees. The needles are a rich, dark green. The tree produces purplish cones which appear as berries. Plant growth is moderate and form is pyramidal. The plants are very cold hardy and take a minimum amount of care.