Bay Laurel Garden Center

Bay Laurel Garden Center specializes in California native plants and drought tolerant plants suitable for our area, the northern part of San Luis Obispo County. Browse through our extensive stock of quality plants. We are happy to help you select the ideal varieties for your garden.

Water – the crucial element for the gardener. Should I water early in the morning? In the evening? There may not be a right answer. But the challenge is keeping the water in the soil to hydrate the plants. Mulch certainly helps. We have several types. Another helpful product in time of excessive heat is shade cloth – we have some available in rolls. New plants are the most demanding. Water every day for at least two weeks – perhaps twice a day if the temperature is in the high nineties.

We have a couple of unusual perennials we’d like to highlight at Bay Laurel Garden Center in Atascadero. Dicliptera (Uruguayan Firecracker) starts its bloom in July. The showy red-orange flowers last for several months, especially if the top blooms are removed after flowering. An added plus is its attraction to hummingbirds. The other plant, Glaucium (Orange flowered Horned Poppy) is totally new to us. The gray foliage is very unusual – we’ll wait to see about the flowers!

See our July Newsletter for more great planting ideas!

Our nursery carries a great selection of pottery, statuary and gifts as well as everything you need for a beautiful landscape. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff look forward to meeting you!

During the months of January, February and March, we stock hundreds of varieties of bareroot fruit and nut trees, berry plants, roses and shade trees. Visit our Fruit Trees Online website to find out more.