Month: September 2014


Gaillardia is a great perennial for sunny spots.  It flowers profusely, loves heat and needs only moderate water.  Flower color ranges from yellow to orange and yellow to bicolor (as shown at left) to red.  Bloom time lasts from early summer


Liriope, or lily turf, is a grass-like shade plant.  There are green leaved versions as well as variegated ones.  Flowers appear on spikes in summer and can be purple or white.  These plants are not attractive to deer.  Provide regular


Campanula poscharskyana and C. portenschlagiana (a.k.a. Serbian and Dalmatian bellflower, respectively) are the two species that we usually have in stock.  They both make great small scale groundcover, growing no more than about eight inches high.  Purple flowers adorn the


Hostas are shade loving plants that come in a wide range of sizes and leaf colors and variegations.  Lavender flowers on spikes, some fragrant, appear in summer.  All will go dormant in winter and do quite well in containers, even the


Hellebores are wonderful plants that bloom in winter and early spring when very little else is flowering.  Color ranges from white to dark purple, although some species have greenish flowers.  The evergreen foliage is generally dark green and glossy, divided


Rudbeckia, or black-eyed Susan, is a tough plant that blooms summer and autumn.  Nearly all have flowers in the yellow and orange range.  ‘Indian Summer’ has a dark brown center while ‘Irish Eyes’ has a green center.  ‘Goldsturm’ is a


Echinacea, or coneflower, is a tough plant that blooms for a long period in summer and autumn.  Recent breeding has produced flowers of many colors and plants of varying heights.  These plants are suitable for the garden or containers.


Spring blooming bulbs such as narcissus, iris and tulips arrive in September.  Paperwhites, a small white flowering form of narcissus,  are always popular for forcing for Christmas bloom.  Crocus, a true harbinger of spring, are some of the earliest bulbs to bloom in late


Bamboo is really a giant grass, hence its inclusion in the grass category.  There are two main types of bamboo – clumping and running.  Clumping varieties will increase gradually and not take over the universe.  Bambusa and most Fargesia will do well
