Month: June 2014


Viburnum is a genus that contains many species, both evergreen and deciduous, and there are several good varieties for our area. Viburnum tinus ‘Robustum’ and Viburnum ‘Spring Bouquet’ are among the earliest spring blooming shrubs. They both have flat heads of

Rhamnus alaternus

Rhamnus alaternus and Rhamnus alaternus variegata(Italian Buckthorn) These shrubs grow twelve to fifteen feet high. They are evergreen and very dought tolerant once established. They can be pruned regularly to maintain a neat appearance.  


Ligustrum japonicum (Japanese privet), Ligustrum texanum (Texas privet) and Ligustrum ‘Nobili’ (Noble privet) are all excellent evergreen shrubs.  If desired, they can be pruned as a hedge or into shapes for use as topiaries.


Pyracantha is an evergreen shrub known for its colorful berries in the fall and winter.  Most varieties grow to about twelve feet, although there are some outstanding dwarf varieties such as ‘Red Elf’ and ‘Lowboy’.  The biggest drawback is the sharp thorns that cover the branches,


Heuchera (coral bells) This genus has seen incredible additions in the last few years. The variations in leaf color dominate the latest varieties. Examples are ‘Snow Angel’, light green leaves dusted with white, ‘Caramel’ (the name says it all) and


Hemerocallis (daylily) have arching narrow leaves and lily-like flowers.  They are tough plants and reasonably trouble free.  A couple of  favorites are ‘Stella D’Oro’, a dwarf golden yellow with a longer bloom period than most, and ‘Bitsy’, a repeat bloomer with bright


Lantana ‘Miss Huff’ is hardy to ten degrees. Although it dies back in the winter, it returns with a vengeance in early summer and blooms until frost. This plant can reach six to seven feet in one season. It is very bright with yellow, orange

Plants that Spread

Invasive Plants or Plants for The Lazy Gardener? It all depends on your point of view! All these perennials are hardy and colorful. and some are prolific reseeders.  Pictured is Erigeron karvinskianus (Santa Barbara daisy).  It will bloom all summer with very little care, but you

Penstemon hybrids

There are so many colors and sizes of penstemon hybrids.  Among the favorites are ‘Firebird’ (red), ‘Midnight’ (purple), ‘Garnet’ (fuchsia pink), ‘Thorn’ (white with a pink blush), ‘Apple Blossom’ (pink), ‘Bev Jensen’ (magenta) and ‘Raven’ (darkest purple).  A very floriferous


Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) This plant is often seen at houses dating back to the thirties and forties. It is extremely drought tolerant and very showy.  Colors available are orange, yellow and cream. The leaves are strap-like with flowering stems that vary from eighteen
